Great navigators are great sign readers! Ship navigators read weather, nautical maps, and lighthouses. Plane navigators read instruments, weather, and landing lights. Automobile navigators read road signs. Signs point to something. They show the way somewhere. Signs help us navigate life.
One of my favourite biblical ‘signs’ is a lame man sitting outside the Beautiful Gate to Herod’s temple. You’ll find him in Acts Chapter 3. Maybe you’re wondering how a man can be a sign. Let me explain.
The lame man is sitting in front of the largest gate that led into the temple. It took 20 men to move it’s massiveness. Over-layed with gold and silver it’s magnificence earned its name Beautiful. Some scholars believe it was set at the top of 15 stairs. The lame man is perched at the foot of what seemed like impossible stairs, begging alms from the people as they passed by him into the Temple.
Then Peter and John, disciples of Jesus, came up to the man to introduce him to the true doorway into the temple, Jesus. They looked him in the eye, and said: “Silver and Gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you: In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
Immediately his atrophied muscles were strengthened. He rose up as a ‘SIGN’ of resurrection power. The Temple crowd were used to seeing the man lame in his broken condition. They only knew him as the lame man who could shout, but he had no stability to stand.
They were amazed to see him walking. God was using this man as a sign to the people about Jesus. He empowered the man’s weakest parts to reveal who Jesus was to the crowd. Once Peter saw the people gathering to catch a glimpse of this upright man, he knew it was time to tell them ‘how’ this man’s weakness was strengthened. It was time to share Jesus with them. To help them change their minds about Jesus.
Just like the lame man we all have weak muscles, maybe even ones we’ve never used before. God the greatest navigator wants to strengthen our weaknesses and make us a sign, that points to Jesus. He wants everyone around us to see the manifestation of His power in the weakest parts of our lives.
What weak muscles does He want to strengthen in you? A patience muscle? A faith muscle? A speaking muscle? A mercy muscle? A forgiveness muscle? A love muscle? The list is endless!
Let’s humble ourselves and trust that God is in the business of letting lame men/women walk as a navigation sign that points others to Him. Let your weakness light the path to God’s Grace. Let it be our prayer; Lord may your will be done in our lives, strengthen our weak parts that you would be seen as the all powerful, all restoring God that you are. So that all will know that Jesus is that true doorway into the kingdom of God that anyone can enter by faith. Lord let our lives help change the minds of those who do not know you yet. Let each one of us be a specific sign that points to You!