They say history repeats itself. Today some are waiting for a political outcome to provide a sense of peaceful stability and/or to ensure victory over oppression. Interesting though, as that is exactly what the 1st Century Israelites were also waiting for.
Their temple rulers and teachers had gone off course without a spirit-filled prophet speaking God’s oracles for more than 400 years. Imagine 400 years of Holy silence. Imagine the confusion wrought from different rebellions rising up to overthrow oppressive rulers during those years. Just imagine how familiar this sounds in today’s chaotic climate of pandemic and political upheaval.
Their holy scriptures talked about a coming Messiah. They must have wondered when? Where was this promised Messiah? When was he going to come and fulfill all the ancient prophecies spoken, written, and passed down about his coming rescue, reign and kingdom.
Advent is the season of waiting that commemorates the arrival of The Messiah – Jesus Christ. It celebrates God’s ultimate fulfillment of ancient expectations and prophecies. It celebrates divine eternal blessings that nourish our hearts with hope, faith, joy and peace that cannot be found in a mere human political or military leader. It celebrates the Kingdom of God breaking into our broken human existence to forever rescue and restore what has been lost.
The Advent Season begins Sunday, November 29 and is celebrated over 4 weeks preceding the celebration of Jesus birth. Each week a candle is lit to celebrate God’s light coming into a dark world through Jesus and to commemorate and remember each eternal blessing:
Week 1 The Hope Candle (Prophet’s Candle): The prophet’s of the Old Testament, especially Isaiah, waited in hope for the Messiah’s arrival. It represents the expectation felt in anticipation of the coming Messiah.
Week 2 The Faith Candle (Bethlehem’s Candle): The prophet Micah foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, the same birth place as King David. It represents Mary and Joseph’s faithful journey to Bethlehem.
Week 3 The Joy Candle (Sheperd’s Candle): The Shepherds were told by an Angel that the Messiah is also coming for humble people just like them. It represents the Joy the world experiences in the birth of Jesus.
Week 4 The Peace Candle (Angel’s Candle): Angels announced that Jesus the Messiah came to bring peace. He came to bring people close to God and to each other. It reminds us of the Angel’s message; “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men”
Christmas Eve Candle (Christ Candle): This candle represents the life of Christ. It is white to symbolize light and purity. Jesus led a pure sinless faithful life as our Saviour Messiah.
Advent is a wonderful season to prepare our hearts for the reality of the Kingdom of God coming to us through Jesus the Messiah to bring hope, faith, joy, and peace in the midst of human chaos. God bless each of us as we enter into this season of anticipation of His faithful fulfillment of His promises. He wants to give us peace no matter what circumstances we are facing. Let Him into your heart and life – you’ll cannot imagine what Good Blessings He has for you – Truly!!