Advent: A Needed Season of Peace Amidst A Chaotic 2020

They say history repeats itself. Today some are waiting for a political outcome to provide a sense of peaceful stability and/or to ensure victory over oppression. Interesting though, as that is exactly what the 1st Century Israelites were also waiting for.

Their temple rulers and teachers had gone off course without a spirit-filled prophet speaking God’s oracles for more than 400 years. Imagine 400 years of Holy silence. Imagine the confusion wrought from different rebellions rising up to overthrow oppressive rulers during those years. Just imagine how familiar this sounds in today’s chaotic climate of pandemic and political upheaval.

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If God Exists Why Send This Terrible Virus?

If God exists why send this terrible virus? A question often expressed in our culture and recently sent to me by a close friend with a genuinely curious heart. It is a topic we have never discussed, yet an opportunity to share my faith and understanding of God in a way that ignites a deeper inquisitiveness for an answer.

My response is rooted in my own discovery of God’s character, promises, and role in human history. My answers were found in a quest to unearth the truth after God stirred my heart in a beautiful park where I often retreated in search of solace and peace. Then I pursued Him, to discover what follows…

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